Your perineum can very likely tear during childbirth. There are however things that you can do to reduce the risk of these perineal tears and prepare your body for childbirth. One of these is perineal massage.

There are quite a few videos on YouTube that will show you how you can do perineal massage properly and allay your childbirth fears.  These videos will help you learn about the perineum, how vaginal tearing occurs, how to relax your pelvic floor muscles and with perineal massage be prepared for labor and childbirth with minimal tearing.

Here is a list of a few perineal massage explainer videos that you might find useful.


How to Avoid Tearing, Perineal Massage and More!  by Sarah Lavonne

As a doula, childbirth educator and certified Labor and Delivery nurse, Sarah Lavonne knows the many fears that pregnant women have of the vagina tearing during childbirth. In an upbeat and lighthearted fashion, she explains how to prevent tearing during childbirth. In this video, she starts off by explaining precisely what tearing is. She then goes on to explain perineal massage as an alternative for preparing the vaginal area for birth and how massage can be done easily using the Perimom perineal massager.


What is Perineal Massage by Dexeus Mujer

This 3-minute video is a light-hearted, animated version. With pleasant music playing, the large text takes you through the process of how to prepare for a perineal massage in 4 steps. The information assures you that you will see results – a stretchier, more flexible perineum – from the first week.

How to do Perineal Massage by Sophie Kirkham

This 5-minute video is highly informative. Sophie Kirkham from Calm HypnoBirthing demonstrates how to do Perineal Massage from 34 weeks on. As a doula and coach, she uses her left hand to demonstrate the  ‘vagina’, explaining the different genitalia parts.

She shows how to perform the perineal massage to ensure the perineum becomes stretchier and more elastic. The video is part of her online HypnoBirthing course which allows pregnant women and their partners to feel more ready and empowered for giving birth. 

Perineal Massage for an Easier Labor by Bridget Teyler

Bridget Teyler is a birth doula. The 7-minute video  sees the doula talking in an animated manner, taking all moms through what the perineum is. She explains how the perineal massage can benefit from stretching in preparation for giving birth. She also suggests that all women should acquaint themselves with the vagina – where it is situated and what its purpose is.

She then explains the benefits of using perineal massage oils for performing the massage. She especially recommends Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin E Oil, explaining how both of these oils were of immense benefit to her.

How To Perform a Perineal Massage to reduce risk of tearing or episiotomies during birth by Midwife Marley

Midwife Marley is one of the most renowned midwifes in the UK with more than 100,000 followers on Instagram. She explains why perineal massage is important in the late stages of pregnancy and explains how to do do it using a simple cardboard cutout. 

Vaginal Self Stretch by Dr Gowri Motha

Dr Motha is an obstetrician and also creator of ‘The Gentle Birth Method’. In her animated video, simple but effective drawings are used to demonstrate how the vagina can be made soft and stretchy.  Short, informative text is provided under the black and white drawings to explain the visuals seen on screen.

In this particular video the perineal massage is done slightly differently to the way it is explained and performed in the other videos mentioned here. The woman lies first on  her right side with knees bent. After the massage is explained, the video continues by suggesting the massage be performed in the same way, but on the left side.

Videos: An Easy Way to Learn About Perineal Massage

Many pregnant women have tried perineal massage and some have only heard of it. These perineal massage videos above make sure that you are informed about how to reduce tearing during childbirth. Each video is presented in an easy-to-understand way, empowering pregnant women to better prepare themselves for an easier and possibly tear-free birth.

October 06, 2022