Expectant moms in their third trimester often find themselves navigating a whirlwind of emotions and preparations. As the big day approaches, one tool that can make a significant difference is the birthing ball. This simple, yet versatile piece of equipment can be an invaluable companion during pregnancy, birth prep, labor, and even postpartum recovery. We're sure they talked about it during your birth preparation class!

What is a Birthing Ball?

A birthing ball is essentially a large exercise ball, also known as a stability or Swiss ball, but it’s specifically designed for pregnant women. These balls are typically made of durable, anti-burst material and come in various sizes to accommodate different heights. When used correctly, they can provide comfort, support, and help you maintain fitness and flexibility as you prepare for labor .

Benefits of Using a Birthing Ball During Pregnancy

Using a birthing ball during pregnancy offers numerous benefits, starting with improved posture and relief from back pain. As your belly grows, maintaining good posture can become challenging. Sitting on a birthing ball encourages proper spinal alignment and strengthens your core muscles, which can help alleviate back pain—a common complaint during the third trimester . Furthermore, the gentle movements on a birthing ball enhance pelvic floor and perineal strength. Regular bouncing and rocking on the ball can strengthen these muscles, which play a crucial role during childbirth, potentially leading to a smoother delivery .

Another significant benefit is the promotion of optimal fetal positioning. Regular use of the birthing ball encourages your baby to move into the best position for birth, head down and facing your back. This can potentially shorten labor and reduce the likelihood of interventions . Lastly, the use of a birthing ball encourages relaxation. The gentle movements can help reduce stress and anxiety, especially when paired with deep breathing techniques.


Using a Birthing Ball for Labor Preparation

As you approach your due date, incorporating a birthing ball into your daily routine can be incredibly beneficial. Here’s how:

  1. Pelvic Tilts and Circles: Sitting on the ball with your feet flat on the ground, gently rock your pelvis back and forth or make circular motions. These movements can help loosen your hips and lower back, making labor easier.

  2. Squats: Squats are fantastic for building strength and flexibility in your legs and pelvic area. Holding onto your birthing ball for support, try squatting slowly and carefully to open up your pelvis.

  3. Tailor Sitting: Sit on the ball with your legs apart in a tailor sitting position. This posture helps open the pelvis and can be more comfortable than sitting on a hard chair or the floor.

Using a Birthing Ball During Labor

When the big day arrives, your birthing ball can continue to be a valuable tool:

  1. Pain Relief: Sitting or leaning on the ball can provide relief from contractions. The gentle bouncing motion can be soothing and help manage labor pain as you prepare for your vaginal delivery.

  2. Encouraging Labor Progression: Rocking back and forth or side to side on the ball can help your baby descend into the birth canal, encouraging labor to progress.

  3. Support for Various Positions: A birthing ball can help you find and maintain comfortable labor positions. You can lean on it while on your knees or sit on it while resting your upper body on a bed or counter.

Using a Birthing Ball for your Postpartum Recovery

After your baby arrives, the birthing ball can continue to be a useful tool:

  1. Posture and Core Strength: Using the ball for postpartum exercises can help you improve perineal discomfort, regain core strength, posture, especially important if you’re breastfeeding.

  2. Bonding with Your Baby: Gentle bouncing on the ball while holding your baby can be a soothing motion for both of you, helping to calm a fussy newborn.

Choosing the Right Birthing Ball

When selecting a birthing ball, make sure to choose the right size for your height. Generally, if you’re under 5’4”, a 55 cm ball is suitable. If you’re between 5’4” and 5’10”, opt for a 65 cm ball. For those taller than 5’10”, a 75 cm ball is recommended. Ensure it’s made of anti-burst material for safety .

A Simple, Effective Tool that Supports your Body

Incorporating a birthing ball into your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum routine can offer numerous physical and emotional benefits. It’s a simple, yet effective tool that supports your body through the incredible journey of bringing a new life into the world. 

June 21, 2024