Becoming a mom is exciting, and your perineum has a job to do. Perimom helps you prepare and recover with the highest quality, woman-centric products specifically shaped & designed to make your childbirth experience a lot better.
You got this, mama.
Becoming a mom is exciting, and your perineum has a job to do. Perimom helps you prepare and recover with the highest quality, woman-centric products specifically shaped & designed to make your childbirth experience a lot better.
You got this, mama.
Il massaggio perineale è raccomandato dagli operatori sanitari perché è stato dimostrato ridurre il rischio di traumi e dolori.
Perimom consente di eseguire il massaggio perineale completamente da soli, ogni volta che lo si desidera.
Con Perimom, non è necessario essere ultra-flessibili per raggiungere il perineo o chiedere aiuto al partner. Puoi usarlo da sola solo voi a fare tutto il possibile per un parto positivo.
Unlike others, the state-of-the art peri bottle Genie features a removable tip to allow you to thoroughly clean it on the inside (if hygiene is important to you). Plus, it includes multiple spray tips to personalize flow and allow you to use it as a portable bidet long after your postpartum period is over.